Ordinary Life Doesn’t Interest Me…

hiiiiii! I felt so guilty for not blogging….you guys don’t know this, but I have this ache in my heart when I’m not here on WordPress. That’s how much I love you guys <3

Often in life, I get bored with the everyday routine. It’s school, music, school, music, school, music, etc… Lately, I’ve been realizing that I’m missing something. I haven’t been content with my ordinary life…I want something better.

I need to let go and allow God to guide my life.

I need to surrender myself and let Him take control.

I need to stop trying to be someone I’m not to make people love me…because only the true friends will love me for who I am.

No one on Earth could love me more than God could. If all the fraternal love that ever existed in the history of the world was added up, it would only be a tiny tiny stream compared to God’s love for me. Isn’t that mind blowing? Like seriously. Just try to imagine it.

And so I’ve come to realize….God is the missing piece in my life. I’ve fallen out of touch with Him, and I want to get connected again. All the worldly pleasures I’ve been trying to attain will only leave me empty and unsatisfied. Trying to be someone I’m not isn’t going to make Him happy. He created me in His own perfect way, and trying to be someone else is only trying to go against His will.

Just remember, you’re perfect just the way you are. You and I were created for a reason, and we are living this life for a reason. Every piece of your life that seems like it has “fallen” in place has not simply come to be. God has a special interest in you, and He is planning your life, detail by detail. ~hugs~

That Girl Over There