mariposa – 7.06 pm


Many quotes have been written on the concept of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

“Everything will work out more beautifully than you can imagine,” they say, nodding knowingly at the miraculous transformation. One of nature’s finest works.

“You may be a caterpillar now, but someday you will be a beautiful butterfly.”

Someday. Someday. Someday….

We often romanticize the thought that everything is going to be okay – we simply recognize the beginning and the end, without giving thought to the middle.

Everyone fantasizes about turning into a butterfly, but very few realize that we have failed to take note of the most important part: the transformation within the chrysalis.

While the caterpillar is in the chrysalis, its body begins to break down and dissolve. All the organs that sustain the little caterpillar disappear. They are turned into liquid, and the caterpillar becomes no more than a helpless puddle.

Similarly, on our journey, we will be broken down. We will be dissolved into anxiety, constant fear and insecurities, and shattered dreams. Seemingly everyone that had ever given us hope will fade away, leaving us helpless and hopeless. The transformation itself is not a concept to be taken lightly.

After the caterpillar is turned into a puddle of liquids, it starts to rebuild itself. Slowly but surely, antennae and wings form perfectly, barely visible through the glistening chrysalis. In the same way, we need to rebuild from our ashes. We need to create a new outlook on life, a new love for others, a new patience.

But, as the caterpillar finally emerges from its chrysalis in the form of the butterfly, its struggles aren’t over. Adjusting into its new life isn’t easy – they have to patiently wait for their wings to unfold.

Just like the newly formed butterfly, we must be patient with ourselves. Don’t rush yourself, because if you do, you will find yourself back at square one. And eventually, as you become stronger, you’ll see your glorious, sun dazzled wings rising above you.

So be patient. Wait a little longer. Trust a little more. You may be a helpless puddle of brokenness right now, but I promise you that everything will not only be “okay” in the end, it will be better than you could ever have imagined.

remember, it is the journey, not the destination.

Day 12: 3 Healthy Habits

  1. Drink water. Lots of water. Start your day with a big cup of water and continue drinking H20 throughout the day. It has helped to clear my skin soo much and helps me study better! it’s that simple guys. don’t be lazy. Image result for tumblr pic of cup of water*hint – don’t actually drink the flowers…it’s just for aestheticity u_u
  2. Spend time outdoors as much as you can – fresh air can help clear your mind and refresh you!Image result for tumblr pic of outdoors
  3. Smile.

Image result for tumblr pic of smiling



Day 9: 10 Favorite Foods

  1.   Ramen – my favorite comfort food.tumblr.ramen
  2. Mac n’ Cheese – as unhealthy as it is, I love it :P cheesy
  3. Lasagna =3
  4. Burritos gahh #chipotle because yes I’m that basic xD
  5. Mangoesss – my comfort fruit. also basically all tropical fruit, like pineapples.pineapples.tumblr
  6. Pasta – pappardelle, gnocchi, ravioli – you name it, I’ll eat it.
  7. Kimbap :D (Korean sushi) kimbap
  8. Popsicles on a hot summer day <3 popsicles.
  9. Watermelon
  10. Pizza, duh u.u  you knew that was comingpizza


Day 7: My Biggest Regret(s). Real Talk.

I’ve waited too long to make some decisions. Been too scared to take the risks and jump. Underestimated His power.

Maybe I’ve been too stressed about school, you know? Sometimes I look back and regret not placing my trust in Him.

Maybe…maybe I’ve waited too long to forgive people. There are the ones who deserve it the least, but at the same time deserve all of it because He has forgiven me first.

It’s quite possible that I’ve let other people influence me in negative ways: forcing me to mask my personality, change my interests, even mold the way I act into someone that’s not me.

And perhaps I’ve been too afraid to try new things and step out of my comfort zone. I wonder, how many amazing adventures have I missed out on simply because I’ve been too scared of what risks may be involved?

The most important thing is that everyone makes mistakes. We all have flaws; we all are human. Even if you or I make mistakes….

We can make or break the chains that hold us.

Bottom line: Do everything, regret nothing.


Day 6: 6 Current Goals

  1. That others would see Him in me.
  2. Start journaling more
  3. Be a blessing to those around me.
  4. Run at least 3 times every week and enter a 10k. Who knows, maybe I’ll run a marathon someday?
  5. Study harder and graduate.
  6. Reach out to you guys more :)


Day 3: What Makes Me Happy

  1. Clear umbrellas
  2. Playing in the rain
  3. Walking in nature
  4. Running – at least afterwards >.>
  5. Baby animalssss – bunnies, corgis, puppies, kittens
  6. Making other people happy
  7. Blogging :D
  8. Watching sunsets with friends at the beach
  9. Perfectly sharpened colored pencils
  10. Taking pictures
  11. Looking at the stars
  12. Being outside in nature :)
  13. Aeropostale’s feed =3
  14. The idea of getting lost in a misty forest
  15. Whipped cream in a frappe
  16. Seeing other people smile
  17. Loving God <3

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 1

dream big. dream hard.
I’ve decided to do a blogging challenge to make up for my lack of posts lately. I’ll be using the prompt from the promptarium, but doing it backwards to put a spin on it haha. Enjoy!

Day 1: What are your goals for your blog?

hmm, my goals. I want to create a safe haven for people on the Internet – people who are tired, discouraged, or just want to relax. I want people to be inspired by my blog and to learn lessons from it. When they receive a published post in their email or in their feed, I want them to smile. And finally, most importantly, Thee Adventurette is and will always be dedicated for the glory of God. Dream big, work hard.


I miss…

This. <3 Have an amazing Monday, loves.I miss..PNGp.s. ~ obsessed with @thehappypage and her amazing, inspiring quotes.


If you could stay one age forever, what age would it be?

Summer Adventuring – Mermaids

The beach is especially packed during the summer days, but I managed to find a beautiful cove that wasn’t too crowded about a couple weekends ago.

Enjoy the photos of my inner mermaid spirit :)

Ft. my favorite backpack ever from Twig and Arrow and my messy hair u.u

PC: my amazing photographer (aka my sister) and my photographer in training (aka my dad)

I give you an A for effort, Dad u_u

The more I look at this picture, the more I realize how tiny I am xD


I’ve grown up 10 minutes from the beach, and I know that I must have saltwater in my veins <3

Keep scrolling, I know you can make it u.u

Probably my favorite one <3

~ I must be a mermaid – I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.

Make every day an adventure (:

Random Snapshots

Hello there! Welcome/welcome back to my blog :D If you’ve been following me for a while, then you know that I haven’t been publishing regularly on WordPress. *slaps self with a wet noodle* I’m so so sorry about that, but school has really tightened its grip on me :( I literally have six different music classes right now with three very important recitals/concerts coming up, and plus I am taking three honors classes in addition to my other courses. Eek. So, to make up for that, I thought I’d grace your screen with some evidence of my (nonexistent) photography skills u_u






We shall start with the cliche spiral photo which is probably my favorite picture as of now :) VSCO cam, how I do love thee.




Might have gotten a lil too close for this one…






Hair credits to the lovely wind.




Taken by theamigirl, edited by me :D


Really loving the blue-green vibes ^-^ Until later then! I promise I’ll try to come up with some better content >_< okay, bye for reals *waves awkwardly*




“Like a diamond, the more I’m cut, sliced, and hurt…the more I shine.”

I know, I know. You’ve been told all your life that that your “good” wasn’t “good enough,” that your “best” wasn’t enough. Nothing hurts more than giving your absolute best and being told that it wasn’t “good enough.” But you know what? That should only inspire and motivate you to prove them haters wrong. We are all more than “good enough” in God’s eyes. We’re all diamonds. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought that I didn’t play violin or piano “good enough.” But you’ve got to pick yourself back up and keep moving. Run, walk, or crawl – as long as you’re moving forward.


scroll down for some rebel pictures I got during a makeshift photo shoot ;)


~shaking off my troubles like~


And in the end, we’re all diamonds. You just have to believe it.

That Girl Over There

Ordinary Life Doesn’t Interest Me…

hiiiiii! I felt so guilty for not blogging….you guys don’t know this, but I have this ache in my heart when I’m not here on WordPress. That’s how much I love you guys <3

Often in life, I get bored with the everyday routine. It’s school, music, school, music, school, music, etc… Lately, I’ve been realizing that I’m missing something. I haven’t been content with my ordinary life…I want something better.

I need to let go and allow God to guide my life.

I need to surrender myself and let Him take control.

I need to stop trying to be someone I’m not to make people love me…because only the true friends will love me for who I am.

No one on Earth could love me more than God could. If all the fraternal love that ever existed in the history of the world was added up, it would only be a tiny tiny stream compared to God’s love for me. Isn’t that mind blowing? Like seriously. Just try to imagine it.

And so I’ve come to realize….God is the missing piece in my life. I’ve fallen out of touch with Him, and I want to get connected again. All the worldly pleasures I’ve been trying to attain will only leave me empty and unsatisfied. Trying to be someone I’m not isn’t going to make Him happy. He created me in His own perfect way, and trying to be someone else is only trying to go against His will.

Just remember, you’re perfect just the way you are. You and I were created for a reason, and we are living this life for a reason. Every piece of your life that seems like it has “fallen” in place has not simply come to be. God has a special interest in you, and He is planning your life, detail by detail. ~hugs~

That Girl Over There




It’s me :)) *gives you a wink because you are supposed to know this song reference*

 *technical difficulties…*

HIII! I’ve missed you so so so much…I haven’t posted for an entire week! *gasp* Also, I’ve been rewriting this post and this is like my 3rd try…stay tuned becaaaause….

   I wanted to give you a quick DIY for Valentine’s Day! Yas, it’s coming up. And yes, I will be alone this year for V-Day…duh. Unless you’ll be my valentine :3

Here we go!



For this DIY, you’ll need:

  • cute origami paper…preferably Valentine Day color-themed
  • inspiration
  • cardstock
  • a stamp (optional)
  • glue
  • scissors

simple, right?


  1. First of all, ya gotta know how to fold origami hearts. Use this link to choose a type of heart to fold! The instructions are super detailed and even have videos! You should start with the easy origami heart if this is your first time. Make two hearts, set them aside.
  2. Second, fold your card stock paper in half to make a card. You can trim the edges to make them rounder, as shown in the picture above.
  3. Glue your paper hearts onto the front of the card.
  4. Then, if you have a valentine’s day stamp, stamp it across the bottom of the card. If you don’t have a stamp, writing is fine too!
  5. Write your lovely message inside the card~
  6. Give it to your valentine!

I think these valentines are so super cute and would definitely make anyone go “aww!” Whoever receives these valentines from you sure is lucky!

Happy Valentine-card-making!

Love you so so so much,

That Girl Over There


*All photos and inspiration from Omiyage Blogs! Thanks so much for this fun idea!


Real Beauty

Hello lovelies! It’s a beautiful day today where I live and I hope it’s equally beautiful where you are! So, I was out visiting a friend on a Saturday afternoon and spied some gorgeous, pink flowers.
Of course you know what came next….
I enlisted my friends’ help to photograph the blooms, and the lighting was perfect! The clouds in the sky helped create a soft glow that illuminated these beauties. I literally took so many pictures in my excited bliss. I don’t know the name of these buds o_o but if any of you recognize them comment below!

Live the life you think you deserve.

~Imperfection is beautiful~

God makes no mistakes – you are amazing just the way you are :)


That Girl Over There