
Warning: If you do not enjoy reading a reminiscing post of considerate length, then I advise you not to read this.

Dear readers,
It is late afternoon, and the sun is shining rays of perfect warmth. I sit and fondle the cover of a work book.

Dear readers, I am reading my journal entries dating back to spring last year! I am utterly astonished at what I had scribbled down onto paper. Unbelieving, I now let my eyes absorb what is on the pages. I notice that I had been unhappy and dissatisfied with what my life was like and what I looked like and what my reputation was like. I had no true relationship with God, and one could plainly see that in my entries. This makes me sad, and I turn the page. On the other hand, some of the things I wrote down make me smile at my naiveness and fantasies. For example, I thought I had a lot of responsibilities last year, but they pale in contrast to my duties in 2015! To my delight, I discover that what I could only dream of last year came true a thousand times more lovely than I could have imagined this year. This year, I have found new people, discovered new places, and went on new adventures and experienced new things. And I can’t help but wonder what next year might bring. New trials? New burdens? New obstacles to hurdle, new people to meet?

My journal

And now I close the worn journal and smile. I feel the sun on my face, and the gentle breeze fanning me. I am at peace, because I know that all I have to do is trust in Him.

Yours ever so truly,
That Girl Over There~

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